The Peas & Carrots Guide To Background Work
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably just registered with us, or you’re considering doing so. Either way, welcome! The following guide was written with newer background talent in mind, but you veterans should take the time to read it as well, since some of the policies and procedures are unique to Peas & Carrots.
When a job comes in, we will evaluate the specs (red-haired, female surfers in their early 20s, for example) and send out availability checks to the appropriate talent. We will use email as our primary form of contact, but we may also text or call you directly as needed. It is important that you get back to us ASAP with your availability for the day(s) in question. Once your avail has been checked for a job, we will let you know as expeditiously as possible whether you have been booked or released, so consider yourself “on avail” until you hear otherwise from us. If your availability changes for any reason before you hear back from us, please let us know ASAP.
Important Note: If you are going to be unavailable to work for an extended period, please let us know ahead of time so that we can book you out.
Once you are booked and have confirmed, you are making a firm commitment to working with us for the day(s) booked. We cannot emphasize this enough. That said, if a true emergency arises (a callback does not constitute an emergency*), and you can no longer fulfill your work obligation, you must call us IMMEDIATELY to let us know.
After you have been booked, we will send you an email with your call time, wardrobe specs and location map. Please read it carefully and prepare accordingly. You should plan on arriving to set at least 10-15 minutes before your call time to allow for traffic, street closures, etc. As for wardrobe, bring a variety of options as per the specs, knowing that the more options you bring, the happier you will make the wardrobe stylist. (Trust me, that’s a good thing.)
Once you get to basecamp, find out who is checking background in, and do so. From this point forward, you will be in the capable hands of the ADs, who will let you know where you need to be and what you’ll be doing. Keep your eyes and ears open at all times – your undivided attention is extremely important. Also, be a team player – volunteer to work whenever possible. Your enthusiasm will be appreciated! If you have an issue with someone/something on set that isn’t safety-related or an emergency, please let us know before approaching production.
That’s pretty much all there is to it. Just keep in mind that when you are on set, you are representing our company, so a great attitude and work ethic are key. Background work is a curious business. Some days are really demanding, and others are a breeze. Either way, don’t ever underestimate your value to the production or to us. And have fun out there!
In the interest of propriety, the Peas & Carrots staff does not accept gifts of any kind from our talent. The only thing we ever expect of you is to represent our company well.
Thanks for being part of the team!
Scott Schoen
*A quick tip for all of you working actors, regarding your availability: when you have an audition, make a note of when the callbacks are and consider yourself unavailable for background work on those days. It’ll save you a lot of stress and besides, I’m sure you nailed that audition!